Audit Committee’s Report
The Audit Committee of CPL Group Public Company Limited was appointed by a resolution of the Board of Director and consists of three independent directors. Mr.Supapat Ongsangkoon was appoint as Chairman of the Audit Committee and Pol.Lt. Gen Chayoot Thanataweeruch and Dr.Mongkol Laoworapong were appoint as members. The secretary of the Committee is Miss Walairat Silapachavakijja, who also serves as Internal Audit Division Manager of the Company.
The Committee preformed its duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Board of Directors and set forth in the Audit Committee Charter. The Committee gave precedence to found good internal control framework and operation system, including review suitable corporate governance, adequacy of risk management, efficiency and effectiveness of internal Control.
In 2020, the Committee held a total of 4 meeting. The Committees significant activities in 2020 are summarize below.
1. To review the quarterly and annual financial statements before submission to the Board of Directors approval. The Audit Committee has been concerned with the implementation of accounting standards that are generally accepted, disclosure adequate in particular, transactions and items that may pose a conflict of interest.
2. Review the adequacy and appropriateness of internal control mechanisms. The opinion that the Company’s internal control systems are appropriate and sufficient to run the business. The company has prepared a plan for monitoring the internal control system and review performance reports quarterly review.
3. Review of the Charter of the Audit Committee by the Audit Committee has reviewed the charter. In order to improve the properties on the role and powers of the Audi Committee. To comply with the rules and practices of good corporate governance and the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
4. Review the policy governance, Code of Business Ethics Policy, information Core policy against corruption. Policies to protect the information and investigation of complaints. To comply with the performance and the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
5. Provide a Self-Assessment Audit Committee of the Board shows that the Audit Committee has fully performed his duties as assigned by the Board of Directors operations consistent with best practices.
6. To consider transactions or transactions that may have conflicts of interests of the Company according to the rules and regulations of the Capital Market Supervisory Board and other related determined to ensure that such transactions are reasonable, transparent and adequate disclosure and a benefit to the company with reasonable prices and conditions as with the outsiders.
7. The Audit Committee has oversight of business operations in accordance with the law on Securities and Exchange Commission, terms of the Exchange or laws relating to business of the company for the year 2021, the Audit Committee has considered and recommended to the Board of Directors to appoint Ms. Wanraya Puttasatien CPA No.4387, Ms. Waraporn Intraprasit CPA No. 7881 and Ms. Chonticha Lertwilai CPA No. 12258 from CWWP Co., Ltd. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 as the auditor of the Company.
In summary, the Committee fully performed its duties and independently by using knowledge abilities and prudence in providing opinions and creative recommendations for the fair benefit of all interested parties. The committee view that the Company’s financial statement were correct and reliable compliance with the financial reporting standards and the generally accepted accounting standards, The board of director and all managements goal is to achieve the company’s target and also focus on effectiveness, transparence and reliability of corporate governance and sufficiency and efficiency of internal control systems.
On behalf of Audit Comittee CPL Group Public Company Limited |
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(Mr. Supapat Ongsangkoon) Chairman of the Audit Commitee |